More agile than you think

This topic has been on my mind for a while, and I wanted to share my thoughts because it taught me very important things.

Roughly a year ago, our team decided to give SCRUM a try, as an experiment, since …

What’s using all the disk space?

We had an issue a while ago where one of our Mongo instances had run out of available space on the root disk. This was concerning because we use a large separate volume mounted at /data that is dedicated entirely …

Life After Big IT

There’s a story I tell candidates during their interviews, that embodies the spirit of Vena. Shortly after I left a big IT firm to join Vena as the new development manager, I “Slacked” one of our coops to ask how …

So, Patrick, how was your long weekend?

I took this past Monday as a vacation day. Upon returning, I sent this email to the team, and they suggested I post it here.

Upon returning from my vacation day, some of you may ask how my long weekend …

The Case for a Logarithmic Performance Metric

Traditional comparisons of benchmark results focus on percentage differences. While seemingly simple to understand and compute, such comparisons pose a number of problems that are solved by using a different basis for comparison: a logarithmic unit with the rather unfortunate …

Measuring information in millibytes

A thousandth of one byte. Does such a thing even exist?

Yep, it does. I’ve used them before.

How to debug an optimizing compiler

Suppose you work on an optimizing compiler that has a bug, causing the compiled program to …