The Vena Internship Experience

I still remember applying to Vena like it was yesterday, a simple task that has changed my life forever. As a first year student who has only 4 months of university under his belt, I knew my chances of finding …

Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication

One of the great things about Python is its built-in support for functional programming where you can pass anonymous functions to other functions at runtime. This is done through python’s lambda function, which is often used in conjunction with functional …

RabbitMQ Gotchas

When you’re running a cloud service like we do here at Vena, uptime is very important. We run blue-green deployments and we strive to make all database schema changes backwards compatible, so server upgrades require no downtime and rollbacks are …

Malloc Envy

Folks using programming languages with automatic garbage collection (GC) often feel that it’s a price worth paying. I disagree: outside of some fairly limited circumstances, there’s no price to be paid at all.

If your application is short-running, or …

Unexpected Iterations

Here at Vena, we build a multidimensional database (also known as an OLAP Cube, or simply “The Cube”) for our customers to store and analyze their data. Part of the functionality we provide is a programming language to express relationships …

Deploying OSSEC at scale

As part of a general effort to improve the security of our infrastructure, all of our AWS instances now have OSSEC installed on them to provide host-based intrusion detection – this includes instances in our autoscaling groups. In this post …